21 y
Re: For Ptree
colonics are generally performed by a colon hydrotherapist...sometimes by nurses or some physicians...mostly chiropractors or naturopaths. An enema is generally uses 2
quarts of water...a
colonic uses around 20 gallons or water...more or less!!! Most home 'colonic' equipment...also known as colemas...uses about 5 gallons....more effective than enemas, but not as effective as a colonic. There are a few true home
colonic machines on the market...a few hundred dollars at least....but if you do them regularly it is a good investiment.
I certainly understand the reluctance to get a is a very personal thing...I had to work through my own aprehensions about it years back. But I was hooked after the very first was amazing how good I felt...and that was after I had already done
Colon Cleanses and years of detoxing. In fact...I was so impressed that I became a colon hydrotherapist myself!!! is one of the 'hats' I well as a health psychologist, nutritional consultant, and detoxification specialist...lots of formal education and also learning along the way as I dealth with my own health issues years ago.
Keep in mind that a good professional colon hydrotherapist knows how sensitive it is to get a
colonic and is accustomed to working with clients who have never had the procedure before...they should be able to put you at ease and educate you during the process. I would really encourage you to have a colonic done professionally before you invested in the equipment for home use.