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Video Embedded Re: ** Graphic ** - Enjoy your meat - Reason enough to be veg.
buttcrack Views: 2,017
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Re: ** Graphic ** - Enjoy your meat - Reason enough to be veg.

I don't know man. We are poked and prodded like animals. Were born, the doctor slaps the crap out of us, they try to forcefully take us away from our mothers right after coming out which keeps a certain bond from forming. We then get stuck in a plastic box like veal to be observed with all kinds of tubes coming out of us then we are assaulted with deadly weapons when they start stabbing whatever the hell it is they stab us with when were born. I remembered reading that those particular shots have enough mercury in them to kill a pig or something like that. Thats a a pretty brutal welcoming to the world. Granted our ears aren't clipped and teeth aren't ripped out like little pigs but the difference is slight.

You can also factor in that those shots we get at birth reek havoc on us the rest of our lives and we die premature. Apparently they can be designed to kill at around 60 years of age. Thats pretty brutal.

Then we grow up and eat nothing but crap and forced to go to school which is child abuse in the most cruel way. Thats pretty brutal.

We grow up knowing nothing about the world and we die knowing nothing. Brutal

We are literally entertained to death. Entertainment such as music,t.v.,film are all designed to makes us complete m*o*o*ns with negative i.q's. This stuff can make people fall down in a seizure or die of a heart attack just by producing the correct frequencies to induce mental dysfunctions. Brutal

How about this:

Thats pretty brutal.

From all this our minds are literally robbed from us without us even knowing. Psychological trauma is some really bad stuff. Its more painful and damaging then getting punched in the face or kicked in the dangly bits.

We have to breath deadly metals that are falling from the sky on a daily basis. pretty brutal.

We could go on and on about the brutality us humans face by those psychopaths who think we are to stupid to govern ourselves, so they think they have to do it for us. First we have to know it exists.

In order for this non meat eating campaign to really work people would have to do it en mass. Then the farmers will feel the hit in their pockets and start providing what the consumers want. The same thing could be said about the new york nurses who are being forced to get the swine flu jab. If they all walked out of work for a couple of days the medical industry will feel the hit in their pockets and bring them into the negotiating table quickly. Hopefully they do do something like that. It could spread like wild fire.

Again, the focus needs to be taken away the animals for a moment, as well as the "ISM" called the environment and needs to be redirected to the source of the problem. The NGO's, Organizations, Corporations, societies which perpetuate the madness called life. If that were to happen then the animals would be able to live the way they are supposed to, wild. Humans could be wild again like they are supposed to be we would have no need of this uncivilized thing we call being Civilized. We would also realize the "ISM" called the environment was a bogus mind job which specific target is to make man believe they are the enemies of the planet when in reality were not even a pimple on the earths crusty butt.


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