Strange contradiction
Strange contradiction
In one hand :
The particles in the Universe are more than antiparticles
/ Baryon asymmetry /
In the other hand:
Dark matter in the Universe is more than visual matter
Question :
Does one physic’s hand know that the other hand do ?
Israel Sadovnik Socratus
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It does seem like a paradox, doesn't it?
Actually, these are two unrelated concepts.
Baryons represent detectable matter.
Dark matter represents undetectable matter.
Different stuff.
That still leaves the question about physic's hands, though....
/ NoPlate /
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I think that actually, the ‘Baryon asymmetry ‘and ‘Dark matter ‘
both belong to one conception.
Because antiparticles exist in ‘ Dirac sea ‘, in Vacuum and
‘ dark matter ‘, by idea, must exist there too.
They both belong to one and the same reference frame.
Now the questions are:
‘ does dark matter consist of antiparticles or of
some kind of different particles ? ’,
‘ do antiparticles make dark matter ?’
To answer to this question we must know that Vacuum is.
But it is a pity, we still don’t have answer to this question.
And Dirac said:
‘ The problem of the exact description of vacuum, in my opinion,
is the basic problem now before physics. Really, if you can’t correctly
describe the vacuum, how it is possible to expect a correct description
of something more complex? ‘
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So ,
all discussions are tautology without understanding that Vacuum is.
Israel Sadovnik Socratus
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