Re: Strongoloides...
I'm talking about Newport in front of Newport, I know he's here reading this right now.
The heart he has for sharing, and passing on what he's learned through his own experiences is valuable information for everyone, and it's all through CZ.
Frequencies, and killing stuff, are just a part of his valuable information, but time and again, the "kill" is what many people get focused on, without also paying attention to rebuilding too.
Are supplements too expensive, and not necessary? The longer a person has been sick, the more they will need to take the time to get a better understanding of what the body really does need to rebuild. Learning what is needed for organs to work better in being able to handle all the detox stuff- like liver/kidney function.
The information he has on all of that is also, IMO, very important, and yet so often forgotten, to go along with the killing. He's not going to repeat it over and over, it's something we need to pay attention to and learn ourselves too.
What would happen if CZ ever crashed again?
Newport also knows why I am very sensitive right now, for not taking for granted that people will always be here to rely on for the answers. Not saying that he's not going to be here, but what if he wasn't?
I know from my own experience of trying to learn stuff, that I often times don't grasp right then what Newport is telling me, and yet there are still alot of times that I can go back and read old posts all through CZ of his, that will jump out at me in a different way, depending upon what I'm learning at the time. I've learned to print them out, so I can go back and read and reread them again.
He has more knowledge, and understanding of this stuff in one of his little fingers, than I will ever know. But, one of the things he has been a good teacher for me to learn from too, is he gives me just enough information that I have to go searching for more on my own. Not just here on CZ. The
Hulda Clark books are where Newport has gained alot of his learning. People that think
Hulda Clark is a kook, would also put Newport in that same category too :) (no offense intended Newport)
When I first started here 2 years ago, alot of the things she (and Newport also) were talking about, went right over my head. Now I can "get it", and understand things in a whole different way, and they become important, missing, puzzle pieces. I know even further down the road, I will still be learning stuff that I didn't "get" before. Same with the Andrew Cutler book.
BTW, Newport, I've thanked you more than once, but I truly am also grateful for the patience you have, and the heart you have for helping others to be able to learn stuff too.
With my 53 year old cousin dying in his sleep recently, I won't take for granted that someone will always be here, nor will I pass up the opportunity to let them know they are valued in my life.
Hope you don't mind me making my own "Newport book" :)