Aw shucks, maam! And thank ye kindly for the rating. Luella thought the same thing on my private forum - but then sometimes I get the idea that I could show her a fresh BM and she would attempt to put a blue ribbon on it . . .
I did spend hours and days on that article and thought it to be one of the best I have written. In fact, I have to shamefully admit that when I first saw the RRR rating on the News Forum (which normally would have been plenty gratifying) and I thought about my time and effort and the sudden spate of RN's and BSA's that have been handed out, an ugly thought crossed my mind that sheez, I should have just posted "Fire the Grid" instead.
OK, OK, shame on me! Will iodine cure vanity? Or do I need to take it along with a bowl of sour grapes, instead of my usual partial dropper of magnascent and partial dropper of SSKI that I take in my morning OJ?