Thake the sugars--cauchy3
Take the sugars..
Snobbish usages by those who take!
Up to hands as all are rakes.
Flat on loves our bodies rubbed.
Up is mud as all are up.
Tops off all are tops in dogs.
Up to nine eyes will drop.
Drop my cogs as all are toys.
Knuckle shuffle all are soy.
Soy is good to taste on mouths.
Nursed me all are seeds are out.
Out to public is private does.
China ills with wishes are foes.
Uppity as all is up and coming.
Uncles get the guns with Tommy.
Use her chutes to drop my tanks.
Taiwan up to snuffs is ranks.
Arm my tanks as all are arms.
Hustling boards have oysters’ farms.
Thrash your china tan your kids.
Cauchy3 could use a better fiddle.
Prove a school as wasted as formed.
Mental caught my body torments.
Up the steps are legs of laws.
Up the stages are leaders’ taws.
Tattered clothes are nature suits.
Forty four as loves are juices.
Fawning shops will begged the sakes
Fawning bouncing all is take.
Flat on catching all are queens.
Clipping queens have pitches that queer.
CHINA clipping queens have muzzles.
Punta ways as queens are puzzles.
----------Cheung Shun Sang=cauchy3----------