GoBe Portable Solar Panel & Battery Hub
I finally got off the fence
and bought a solar battery
to feel more prepared for
times ahead when there are
interruptions in power.
We already get a fair share
each year of power outtages.
With this system, I can do
the things which are most
important to me. Steaming
rice, making coffee, listening
to news or music. I can even
recharge my laptop with it.
Where I live in Texas, we
get a lot of sun. Even in
the winter. I have a couple
of really nice solar cookers
which I have used and like.
That covers my cooking and
baking needs~~as long as the
sun shines that is.
a good review~~
I found my Gobe charger, new,
on eBay. With shipping, it was
$175. I have no doubt it will
prove to be a good investment.
I am wanting very much to get
a larger system, I have my wishes
on, but will have to attract some
extra finances before it sits in
my back yard~~ :)
Anyway, I thought I would share
since I had been looking for
something portable and dependable
and SIMPLE. I feel like I found
that in this system. Perhaps some
of you have also been looking for
something like this to add to
your survival kit.