Re: H1 shots by MH
Adonis, you should'nt be so full of yourself all the time, I did not wait for any special time to paste in that little bit.
Don't you worry I have done my 1000's of hours of dodiligence. I don't know what is going to go down and really dread how bad it could get. I do not live in the country and off the grid. I really don't think anyone can be totally prepared for how bad it may get.
Please tell us how you are going to avoid getting the flue shot. Are you going to go down in a blaze of glory and take out as many as you can when they come to your door?
Do you have multiple places to bug out to, fully stocked with everything you will need to survive for years at each one and a way to get from one to another when you need to move.
Please you have insinuated many times that you know exactly what and when is going to go down, tell us all play by play, day by day of the future. Tell us all exactly what to do, how to prepare, what we will need how much of what we will each need individually for our specific needs.
You condem Dr. Mom for abadoning her followers, maybe she is preparing for the collapse? I mean according to you we will all be doomed in less than a month anyway.
We will be the builders, if we servive, why would you want to rebuild what didn't work?