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Things I've tried

Lugol’s Iodine Free S&H
J.Crow’s® Lugol’s Iodine Solution. Restore lost reserves.

antiquityhill Views: 3,885
Published: 16 y
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Things I've tried

Tried the detergent idea years ago - used the mild one Dove, and even used antibacterials and the heavy-hitter Dawn. In addition to all the normal stuff, I've tried (for a week or more):

**CoQ10 oil internally and applied topically
**Vitamin E oil applied topically
**Cortisone creams (sort of helped)
**weekly Fluconazole (oral anti-fungal) for a year
**Lotrimin (not recommended at all - it's not supposed to be used around the mouth)
**Denorex (this does seem to help if left on in the shower for several minutes and applied daily, but it's not enough for me. It can take the peeling to about every other day tho)
**Baby shampoo (Like Dawn, it kills ticks and fleas it's so strong)
**Not allowing anything on my lips including soaps or fluoridated toothpaste
**Nizoral soaked, then rinsed
** Acne creams containing salicylic acid
**Anti-bacterial hand creams
**Exfoliative creams. One for feet helped a little, but isn't available anymore
**Shave gel (exfoliative to keep down shave bumps) worked a little, but only one brand that's not available anymore.
**Betadine (using as a wash by soaking a few minutes then rinsing - this worked pretty well, but I have graves' disease so can't use extra iodine) Interestingly, an alternative surgical scrub without Iodine did nothing at all
**Rubbing alcohol (OUCH!!!!!)
**Wild Turkey (back to the alcohol theory. It burns too, and ick)
**Vitamin D assessment and supplementation (maybe I should try it topically???)
**Vitamin testing and correction of B deficiencies
**vitamin C
**topical Listerine
**Sugar and salt scrubs
**Switching from chlorinated/fluoridated water
**Biotene rinsing throughout the day
**Listerine strips in my throat/mouth thru the day
**Probiotics Iinternally)
**Omega 3's/flax seed oil/fish oil both topically and internally
**Sunlight/tanning bed - this helps a lot, but still isn't a cure, especially for those of us who can't go in the sun anymore.
**Plaquenil (for Lupus/autoimmunity)
**systemic Antibiotics
**Prescription mouthwash
**Allergy testing (metals)
**Lead testing (never tried mercury testing tho)
**Prilosec (in case reflux was causing it)
**Raynaud's treatments (in case it's from poor circulation)
**Hydration (watched this like a hawk)
**Biofeedback (circulation again)
**An allergy cleanse from my doctor
**Eating low acid diet
**Colonoscopy (in case it was Crohn's)
**Gluten/milk/casein free diet

Sheesh, my memory is running dry, but in about 30 years there have been a lot and I know there was a bunch more. I would love to see others' attempts too, in case there's still something out there for me to try. :) Is there a treatment thread here??


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