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Re: Thyroid Goiter caused by Mirena
Jane123 Views: 8,422
Published: 16 y
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Re: Thyroid Goiter caused by Mirena

My thyroid was also damaged by the Mirena and I'm on meds for the rest of my life. I share your rage along with numerous other women who have had this happen. So glad you're getting the evil thing out. I'm so glad you figured out the Mirena might be the culprit. When women are asked what meds they are on, they don't mention the Mirena because they don't think of it as a med even though it is. Can you imagine how many women are going from doctor to doctor with all kinds of weird symptoms and never mention the IUD? I blame many doctors for women not treating it like a med because they all tell their patients the same thing: There are no side effects and the artificial hormone stays in your uterus. Blatant lies.


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