by Djehuty Ma'at-Ra
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Many people ask me my opinion of
colonics (also known as
colonic irrigation, colon hydrotherapy, high colonic, or lavage colonic) all the time and I tell folks that Djehuty Ma'at-Ra is PRO colonics.
Performed by a professional and skilled
colonic irrigation specialist in a safe, hygienic, and pleasant facility and utilizing modern and state-of-the-art
colonic hydrotherapy equipment,
colonics are very safe.
colonics help to cleanse the large intestine (colon) and the sigmoid (lower bowel).
"But aren't colonics unnatural, Djehuty?" Well, shucks! Isn't the way you live and eat today also unnatural? Isn't wearing high heel shoes unnatural? Isn't smoking cigarettes unnatural? Isn't eating meat unnatural? Isn't putting chemicals in your hair unnatural?
Damn near everything citified folks do today is unnatural, and you're going to trip on a process that helps to undo the damage of living and eating unnaturally? How myopic and linear!
Colonics may be unnatural, but it is a tool that can help us return to the natural ways of living. Colonics are simply a tool.
I simply say colonics are unnatural because there isn't anything natural about inserting a speculum up the rectum; however, inserting that speculum up the rectum can sure help a person out if they suffer from many ailments and pathologies, such as constipation. Colonics help to give us great health benefits.
And though unnatural, colonics date back to the ancient Kemetians (Egyptians). The first recorded history of washing of the colon is found in an ancient Egyptian document from circa 1500 B.C. So while an unnatural process or procedure (if we are to be technical), colonics are not new at all.
How Often Should I Have Colonics Performed?
Ideally, if it is your first time having a colonic performed, you should have a series of 12 colonics performed - a session every other day (or 3 times per week) for four weeks straight, totaling about a month in duration.
However, because colonic sessions can be expensive for many people, ranging in price from $55-$100 depending on what facility and colonic hydro-therapist you visit, many people may not be able to afford the necessary 12 colonics to properly introduce themselves to the world of colonics or colon hydrotherapy.
Should this be your individual case (lack of finances), then simply get at least 3 sessions performed and do your best to get another 3 sessions done as soon as possible until you have 12 sessions under your belt.
After your initial 12 rounds or sessions of colonics, you may simply opt to have colonics (one session) performed once a month, a series of 3 colonics performed every three months, or whatever schedule best suits your health needs and personal schedule.
However, you don't need colonics performed every single week unless of course you are a serious meat, dairy, and junk food eater and have no plans to change your diet; then, and only then, would it make sense to have colonics performed weekly.
Late actor and comedian George Burns lived to be 100 years of age because despite smoking cigars for decades, he was smart enough to cleanse his liver and colon, reportedly every weekend and this included having colonics performed.
Do you know how all those beautiful 1930s, 1940's, and 1950's Hollywood starlets, i.e. Marilyn Monroe, Jane Mansfield, et al. stayed physically fit and in shape and kept well curved bodies despite eating meat? Answer: By performing colonics and enemas! All of them stayed constipated, especially Marilyn Monroe, so colonics and enemas were greatly necessary.
The starlet "complained of chronic constipation," Summers wrote. "Enemas relieve that complaint. Their use was also a common fad, particularly among show business people in those days, as an aid to instant weight loss." Marilyn Monroe had been taking enemas for years." 50 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time. Vankin, Jonathan and John Whalen. p. 103
In fact, Brother-in-Law of John and Robert Kennedy, Peter Lawford, stated on his deathbed that actress Marilyn Monroe died by taking her last big enema referring to how Marilyn was murdered.
"Peter Lawford ...knew something about Marilyn's death, but took his secrets to his drug-and-booze induced grave. When one of his former wives asked him if he knew how Marilyn died, he made an odd remark. Marilyn took her last big enema."" Ibid, p. 103
Even private investigator and author Milo Sperglio, who had spent 30 years on the Monroe case, says that Marilyn was killed by the administration of an enema (lethal suppository).
Back to the gist of this article: any colon hydro-therapist who suggests for you to have a colonic performed every single day for the rest of your life is merely securing future income. Period! You don't need colonics performed every single week of your life, even if you are a notorious meat-eater! You could, but you don't! At some point you need to allow your colon to naturally function on its own.
Preparing For Your Colonic Session
Schedule your colonic at least a week in advance. This gives you seven days to prepare for the colonic or series of colonics. The best way to prepare for your colonic is take an herbal laxative or aperient. Effective individual herbal laxatives and aperients include Cascara Sagrada, Senna leaves/pods, Aloe Vera resin, Buckthorn, Bilwa, Bibitaki, Glucomannan, and Jalap Root to name a few.
Effective herbal compounds include 'Bowel Bover' (capsules and tea), 'Colon Formula', and 'Sen-Fen'.
I also recommend 'Intestinal Janitor' formula for fiber which is ideal for colon health, maintenance, and well-being.
On the days before your colonic session, make sure to drink plenty of water followed by drinking vegetable juice (at least one glass daily), herbal tea (preferably 'Bowel Mover Tea' and/or 'Detox Tea'), aloe vera juice (1/4th in a glass of water), and/or prune juice (before bed is ideal).
The day before your colonic appointment, make sure you do not eat anything after you eat dinner. It may help you out if you schedule your session(s) in the morning so that way you'll only be skipping breakfast and won't have to worry about hunger.
What Goes On During A Colonic?
A colonic session usually lasts about 45-60 minutes. The process is typically painless perhaps with the exception of the insertion of the speculum into the rectum which could cause a little discomfort physically and psychologically (a lot of people are adverse to having something inserted into their anus and understandably so).
However, you won't feel violated or disrespected simply because you consciously chose the process and you have your health in mind. Though some people may feel shy that their anus is being exposed to a stranger, however, this person (stranger) should be seen and viewed as someone who is helping you - helping you to reclaim and restore your health, especially the health of your colon.
It helps to have a health and hygiene conscious hydro-therapist as this kind of hydro-therapist will not use a harmful lubricant (such as Vaseline', "K-Y Jelly", mineral oil, etc.) for the insertion of the speculum, but will use a natural lubricant such as 'Un-Petroleum', olive or coconut oil, or some other natural lubricant.
Before you start the colonic, the hydro-therapist will have you go into a private room to change clothes. You'll basically be given a gown that ties up or attaches to the back with a Velcro strip.
You'll be asked to lean or turn on one side so the hydro-therapist can insert the speculum into your rectum via your anus. It helps to take a deep breath before the speculum is being inserted.
NOTE: Use of sterilized speculums is outdated and they are also very unhygienic. Speculums should be disposable. The speculum used on you (for each colonic session) should be from a fresh or new packet and should be disposed of after your session. Speculums should not be reused!
After the speculum has been inserted, you'll be asked to lie on your back and put your legs up (knees bent or perhaps propped up with some kind of device the hydro-therapist may have).
Your head should rest comfortably on a headrest (of the colonic table) or perhaps a pillow. It all depends on the facility and hydro-therapist you go to.
The hydro-therapist will turn on the water lever allowing cool to moderately warm water enter into your colon via the rectum. You will or should feel the water entering your body.
After a certain amount of water is entered into your body the hydro-therapist may begin to massage your stomach or press into your stomach (so as to break up gas pockets and to loosen hardened stools or feces that are like bricks along the walls of your colon).
After doing the above for a few seconds or minutes, he/she will turn the lever allowing a release (of water, feces, and other debris). It is also normal upon the first few releases to see that your water coming out of you is clear. If this is the case, chances are you're pretty blocked and it may take some time for a release full of waste to exit your body. Many times, people don't have a good release due to psychological factors (i.e. embarrassment, shyness, feeling awkward, etc.).
Many times it may feel like you have to poop (defecate) during the session but the feeling is usually due to the inundation of the bowels with water.
The colonic should be over with after 45-60 minutes. After the speculum is removed from your rectum, you'll be told (or should be told) to go to the restroom and sit on the toilet for a few minutes so as to release any water still in your colon and/or rectum. To help expel water, press on your stomach (about 2
inches under your navel) with your fingers for a few seconds. Press in different spots around the front of your stomach.
A little water may seep out from your rectum after the session and while you have your clothes back on. It may also feel as if you defecated on yourself but it's not the case. It just may feel like it. However, it's just water from the session making its way out of the body.
What Can I Expect To See During My Colonic?
You could possibly see old fecal matter (which you can tell by its dark color). Dark colored fecal matter denotes old fecal matter stored in the body possibly for years or decades. Lighter colored fecal matter denotes most recent fecal matter from recent foods consumed.
You could also see mucus, residues from nuts, worms (though rare), and Lord knows what else depending on what you have consumed over the years.
Whatever you may see, just be thankful it is leaving your body.
NOTE: Colonic sessions that utilize ozone (or enhanced oxygen) generate better results and usually bring out more debris and residue from the intestines, especially mucus. The intestines really benefit from the effect of ozone. I highly recommend use of ozone during colonic sessions, if you can afford to pay the difference, usually about an extra $20-$50 depending on the hydro-therapist and/or hydrotherapy center.
Things To Remember During Your Colonic Session
Don't talk a lot during the session. In fact, it's best not to talk at all. All the necessary talking should be done prior to the actual procedure. If you have a talkative hydro-therapist, either tell the hydro-therapist you prefer to be quite during the session so as to pick up on any bodily messages being sent during the session or simply close your eyes and calmly blow out of your mouth (releasing stagnant chi or prana).
Relax during the session. There is nothing to worry about. There is no need to fear or worry. Remember, what you fear will appear and what you conceptualize will be actualized.
It's great to release toxic thoughts during the session. Many of us are not just full of shit literally, we are also full of shit mentally which is why a lot of us always have "shit on our mind!" (meaning that we are preoccupied with thought, usually worldly thoughts).
Post Colonic and Repopulation of Beneficial Intestinal Flora?
Many people are concerned about what happens to the beneficial intestinal flora after colonics are performed. Personally, I think many people put too much energy into worrying about something so inconsequential.
If you're really worried about the beneficial intestinal flora after your colonic, you could always take a few capsules of acidophilus (acidophilus bifidus) or a liquid form of acidophilus (dairy-free, of course).
I have never taken an acidophilus product after a colonic because I know Nature and my body too well. I know that my body naturally produces everything sold by man in a bottle and that is purchased from a health food store, including beneficial flora or bacteria. I simply drink a minimum of 4
ounces of vegetable juice after my colonic sessions. If you're into carrot juice, carrot juice is just as effective as acidophilus in restoring good bacteria in the intestines. Juiced cantaloupe is even better than carrot juice in restoring the beneficial flora.
Other natural substances that will help the body to repopulate beneficial flora or good bacteria in the intestines include: Blue Green algae, Spirulina, Chlorella, Irish Moss, Kelp, Bladderwrack, Dulse, Ginger, Cloves, Cayenne,
Black-Walnut Hull, and Carrot powder. products that will help to repopulate beneficial flora in the intestines include Electric Greens Cell Food,
Iodine Phosphate, and Circul-aid Formula.
The best thing to consume after your colonic session would be vegetable juice (if possible), followed by a big green leafy salad. Next would be steamed vegetables and maybe some brown rice. Simply remember to eat light, not heavy, after your colonic.
How Do I Find A Colon Hydro-therapist or Facility? has made this very convenient for you, especially if you reside in a large city or metropolitan area such as New York City, Los Angeles, Miami, Atlanta, Chicago, or the San Francisco Bay area. Simply visit Alternative Health Directory and click on "Colonic Centers" and enter your city or zip code and available centers will appear.
If you reside in a small city, you may have to prepare to visit the nearest major city in your state or near your state (in another state).
What Are Some of the Health Benefits To Be Expected From Colonics?
Some of the health benefits from colonics include:
Weight release
Clearer skin and complexion
Frequent bowel movements
Improved lymphatic circulation
Purified blood
Elimination of mucus
Mental Clarity
More energy or vitality
Elimination of worms and parasites
Enhanced activity of major eliminative channels and organs
So in case you are not clear after reading my words above, Djehuty Ma'at-Ra is a proponent of colonics!
Thank you for reading!
This article is compliments of and Djehuty Ma at-Ra.
Additional articles by Djehuty available @