How does smoking affect the adrenals? I know it stresses them out but how?
Through two mechanisms. First the nicotine is a stimulant, so it forces the adrenals to work over time. Secondly, remember that the adrenals require more vitamin C than any other part of the body. Smoking depletes vitamin C levels, which reduces available vitamin C to the adrenals.
I don't drink caffeine but I do smoke. Is it possible to replenish and restore my fatigued adrenals with herbs if I'm still smoking.
You could smoke the herbs. Seriously , yes it can be done but it will be harder to do.
The same thing with my Thyroid. I'm using Black Walnut Hulls powder. I know that smoking displaces the iodine in my body but is it still possible using herbs to fix my (hypothyroidism) while continue to smoke?
The hypothyroidism is likely resulting from the adrenal dysfunction. So I would focus primarily on building up the adrenals.