22 y
Many thanks to both of you for pursuing my question about the ORANGE POO. I don't have this book, however I will soon...I need it. I had just finished my very first Master Cleanse, and "
liver stones " and one "Gull Stone" was passed along with a small marble of green poo with "rice grains" and after the "MC" came two days of Orange Poo...all from a MC. I was so amazed because I was completely expecting a bowel cleansing, and being totally new to this whole experience, I got the reverse, no feces to speak of, but all of these other suprises in the bowl. It's so shocking to see these things, things that I did not know even existed, and I figure that if I have worms, than you know that I have parasites! I was going to start another
Master-Cleanse on Tuesday, however I will learn what to do for a liver cleanse and start it as soon as possible. Oh, by-the-way, there was only two days of orange poo, then it became green-brown. The only major health problem that I have ever had was fitigue...major fitigue, I think I know what battle fitigue must feel like. Dr,s have told me to just take a nap if I feel tired. But a simple nap won't cure this fitigue, and I feel that if I can get myself cleaned out, then I should be relative healthy, because I don't have any "health" problems according to the doctor. Then I just need to loose about 80
lbs. Any Ideas on this front? Anyone?