Re: to vaccine or not to vaccine, that is the question.
You have to figure, if the day comes that they mass vaccinate and inforce, that will be the day all herbs are done in the USA...the law will see the use of herbs as a detorant to coming forth and taking your shots and make the use of herbs ilegal.
Just like tbey do with the Iodine pills, the government doesn't want them anywhere near the nuclear reactors, because if the people have access to them, they may refuse to move out if their is a leak....
The TV already to day is head lining each new death related to so called flue....when you know odds are, the person died from the drugs....their fear factors will heighten everyday as lonh as we have people like this running each local health department willing to commit evil acts upon the populations in exchange for their daily power trip. They were brain washed via their college educations to believe and act as they do...same with every law inforcer, they inforce evil and not truth in many cases and if they harm their own families, then odds are they have came out of the military or had the same type brain washing education.
It seems like each day more and more fear education appears, the amish go on as normal, since they don't listen to the radio, tv, read newspapers or play on the internet.....and when the man comes along wanting to vaccinate them????? They may have to de-arm them first.
it will be nice when Spring of 2013 comes along and all this fear education can be dismissed...hopefuly.