Hi Mmagter!! Thanks for the encouraging note!!
Hi there Mmagter:
Surfer27 here. How's it going? I like you know what it's like to suffer with these fbo issues. I have been dealing with it, for atleast 3 yrs now, still looking for a cure, or atleast some relief, like some of the people here on Curezone and other medication sites. Thanks for sending that encouraging text!! I just wanted to ask you, when you mentioned thanking God for a minute, are you a believer, a born again Christian by any chance? I just ask, because I accepted the Lord into my life as, my personal Lord and Saviour, since I was 6yrs old and I am 27 yrs old now, so, I've been a believer for 21 yrs now. Another question, I was wanting to ask you, was: what were some of the things you've tried, that helped you find some relief, from the physical symptoms, besides praying? Not to say, that prayer isn't important, because prayer is important, I just need to get other feedback from you!! Have you ever tried going on a Candida diet? Ever tried taking Manuka Honey? I just found out, that Manuka honey does contain alot of healthy benefits to the body, including I think, helping eliminate malodors in the body, but don't quote me on that. Here's the site, for Manuka Honey:
Check this site out. Also look into:
This is the website for New Zealand's Manuka Honey, which is apparantly one of the best. One other question for ya. Have you looked into taking Zinc Picolanate 100mg with a meal daily for fbo issues? Just wanted to mention it and bring it up, because I am looking into buying some zinc picolanate soon, within the week. Anyways, just wanted to pass this information onto you. Hope you have a blessed week!! Take care and God bless you, as you seek Him!
Ryan Annunziello