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Homeopathic doctor in Dallas, TX
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Published: 16 y

Homeopathic doctor in Dallas, TX

A homeopathic doctor came in to my store yesterday. He started telling me about how he retired early from his allopathic practice to become a homeopathic doctor. He agrees with me that prescription drugs are poisonous and solve nothing.

We got on the subject of supplementation. I told him about my Lugol's and all the other supplements I do. He asked me why I did it, and I explained my history. He started talking about how thyroid hormones are manufactures and the importance of selenium with Iodine. He was amazed at my knowledge, and that I had gained this knowledge outside of school.

He really promotes the use of Lugol's and other supplemental measures like mega doses of Vitamin C. When his patients come to him he requires them to fill out a 14 page history of themselves, and approaches their issues from a holistic angle. Nutrition, lifestyle, water quantity/quality and herbs.

I have his number if anyone near the Dallas, TX area is looking for a homeopathic doctor. I was quite impressed and thankful I had a chance to meet him.


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