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Re: Went to allergist & eczema looking better

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mackenzie1 Views: 3,978
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Re: Went to allergist & eczema looking better

Hi Momo!

That's wonderful that you learned so much from your visit to the allergist, and that you're doing so much better! I assume that you will begin allergy shots, and over time, they will help a lot.

About prescription nasal sprays, though, I am very, very much against them. When I first went to the allergist, I got a prescription for one, too (Nasacort), which I used twice a day for three years, until my health really went south. First, I got a staph infection under my arms, then a systemic candida infection (yeast). Trying to cure the candida is how I first came to Curezone.

I used Monostat for the candida, but it didn't help, and I went to the dermatologist for the staph. My dermatologist put me on a high power Antibiotic for the staph, which killed off all of my bacteria, including my good bacteria, and the candida infection went systemic. It took nine months to get over it. Candida is a terrible condition and it is very hard to get rid of. One of the most active forums in Curezone is the Candida Forum , and that's because Candida is so hard to get rid of. I still get emails from people in my Curezone mail box asking me how I got well. I feel such compassion for everyone with this condition, because I know how hard it is.

Over the nine months I had candida, I researched the topic constantly (much like I have eczema), trying to figure out why this horrible condition had happened to me. I had always been very healthy. That's when I learned that the Nasacort probably caused all of my problems. As it turns out, the hydrocortisone in the nasal spray suppresses the growth of good bacteria, which allows the bad organisms like yeast and staph to grow uncontrolled.

What happens using hydrocortisone is like this: Our bodies are like houses where many organisms live, all in harmony for the most part. Because of the dense population of organisms, any one organism, such as staph, finds it hard to take over. It's like moving into a three bedroom house with ten people living there. There's no room to stay unless you want to sleep in a sleeping bag in the corner. When the hydrocortisone suppresses the growth of the good bacteria, though, one room of the house gets emptied out, the room with the good bacteria. When, the staff sleeping in the corner realizes that there's an empty bedroom, it moves in and proliferates. Then, another bedroom gets emptied of the good bacteria, and the yeast moves in and proliferates. When I took the high powered antibiotic, the entire bacteria population moved out, and the staph and yeast took over completely.

You will see on the warnings that come with the prescription nasal spray to tell your doctor if you have a fungus infection, because it's not good to use the product if you do. What the warnings don't tell you is that over time, whether or not you had a fungus or yeast infection when you first started using the spray, you will get one.

What was really annoying, though, is that when I stopped using the prescription nasal spray, I couldn't tell any difference from when I was using it. It's the same with Singulair, which I also took along with the nasal spray. I couldn't tell any difference when I went off of it, either. I felt like I had no need to be taking either all of those years. Doctors would be very reluctant to ever put anyone on a long term cortisone treatment, but for some reason, they think because these nasal sprays are localized, it's different. It's not different, though.

It's wonderful that you are using the Simply Saline. It will really make a difference. It's a terrific early detection system for when you have an "invader" in your sinuses, too. The discharge will become a little cloudier instead of clear. If that happens, be sure to really clean out your sinuses, and use it a little more frequently to clear out the beginning infection. You will be amazed at how easy it is to get rid of young colds. The cold virus is very fragile when it first begins to establish itself, and one good rinse with Simply Saline is too much for it to get established.

Here's to continued good healing!


P.S. I received the Acai fruit chews and love them! They are reddish brown, which leads me to believe that they have lots of beta carotene in them!

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