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The latest figures for oleander success
Tony Isaacs Views: 910
Published: 16 y
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The latest figures for oleander success

As I have often stated, there is no magic bullet for all cancers for all people - but based upon my extensive research and experience over the past years, I have found none better than oleander, especially when combined with an overall protocol that addresses diet, nutrition, selected supplements for immune boosting and cancer fighting, a healthy lifestyle, stress managment, etc.

In the last couple of months we have seen a very small handful of people pass on who have been members of my Yahoo group centered around oleander and cancer, and some members have quite naturally expressed concern.  So have I, even though it is inevitable to loss some people in a group of over 1500, especially when most of them come to us in late stagers and after mainstream suregery, chemo and/or radiation has failed - which was the case in each of the few members who failed to beat their cancer, and in some instances they either did not follow the protocol very fully, did not take the recommended amounts and/or combined other treatments.  Nevertheless, even one person failing to beat cancer is too many for me, regardless of the circumstances, and I endeavored to review all of my research and information on oleander and other cancer alternatives.

The result of my review is that I am more than ever convinced that oleander is a wonderful choice to use as a centerpiece of a cancer fighting protocol for most people and most cancers, but I am also convinced that for most people, you should treat fighting cancer as the life or death proposition it usually is and you should not try to do it with half measures.

As part of my review, I contacted Marc Swanepoel, one of the Yahoo group members, a personal friend, and the naturopathic PhD who developed the Sutherlandia OPC as well as the new Rose Laurel OPC Plus.  I asked him to review his own records and give me his best figures and guesstimates of how successful oleander has been for those who have used his products.

Here is his report:

I have now gone through my records and can give you the following info:
1. The product is now available at most major pharmacies in South Africa (a few hundred) and I don't sell directly to the local public anymore. As a result, I don't have the same follow-up info about local users as before. However, my agreement with the local distributor is that they sell 10,000 units per month. So, quite a lot of people are using it regularly, mostly for HIV/AIDS and to boost their immune systems. Word is also getting around about the effectiveness of the product and I have just sent off, at their request, a parcel to the Department of Health of a country in Africa. According to the senior researcher in that department, they had heard about the product and they needed it desperately for a young HIV-positive girl who was not responding to antibiotics and who refused ARVs. I will await the outcome with great interest.
2. During the last 3 years , I have had an overseas client list that varied between 900 - 1100 people. The bulk of these are cancer sufferers and many of them are in stages III to IV. Approximately 50 are HIV-positives who do not want to go on ARVs. According to my records, only 20 of the people who ordered (some fairly regularly) from me have died over the last 3 years. There are in all probability more who have died but I have no way of knowing whether the few who stopped ordering from me are cured or dead. Of the 20 that have died, all were stage IV and some were already in hospice, 3 died within one week of receiving the S/OPC, and 8 died within 2 months of receiving it. Of those that died within 2 months, a few did not (or could not) take the suggested dosage. Only 3 of the 20 people used an adequate dosage but died in spite of that. However, 2 of those 3 also used all kinds of other treatments which may or may not have interfered with the oleander.
3. One of the people that died provided a special lesson that could be of value to everyone. She started using the liquid S/OPC before the capsules were available and used it for about 12 months. She went into complete remission as confirmed by her oncologist and, against my advice, stopped using the product because she could not stand the taste. She had a very high profile and stressful job with lots of responsibilities, had no close relationships with anyone and could not get on with her mother. Within 12 months she was diagnosed with a different type of cancer than before, did not contact me to tell me about her predicament and, by the time I heard about it, the cancer had already metastasized to the brain and she was on chemo. The oncologist advised her against using the new S/OPC capsules and within 3 months, she was dead. This episode convinced me further that cancer is simply a symptom of OTHER problems in the body, that stress plays a major role and that chemo is not the answer. 
In summary, even if a further 50 people of the approximately 900 - 1100 overseas users have died without my knowledge, bringing the total dead to 70, this is still quite a remarkable result for people with late stage cancer. 70 out of 900 is less than 8%. And even if one takes the average number of late stage cancer users over the period as 500, then 70 out of 500 stage III to IV cancers is still only 14%. My experience has also shown that the effectiveness of oleander is dosage dependent and if people can get up to the higher dosages as quickly as possible, their chance of survival is greatly improved.




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