Negative? I'd call it more realistic. Do you want to listen to every word Jim Humble says or do you want to find out the truth?.
If Miracle-Mineral-Supplement works, is safe and does what it's claimed to do and it doesn't distract from true holistic healing then that's fine but if it's used continuously like a drug to replace the immune system's function and used to excess just because someone claims it's a harmless miracle then they need to be told the truth
I just say give your body what it needs to heal naturally first and you may not want to use such powerful chemicals which if misused can do you more harm than good
As for Miracle-Mineral-Supplement 2, I'd say just calling hypochlorite Miracle-Mineral-Supplement at all would be a good reason to shut this forum down but fortunately the forum is called MMS Sodium chlorite. which still may have some valid uses even if it may not be the best choice.
I admit my reply above was sarcasm. I hope it wasn't mistaken as encouragement. People who want to use hypochlorite should go elsewhere