Very sorry to hear about your sleeping disorders because of diabetes.
No I don´t have diabetes but sleeping disorders (meaning problems with sleeping that come and go) and would love to know exactly why..... After a recent spate of "no sleep" nights, I started once again making up a camomille tea just before going to bed and this has worked fairly well the last three nights (thank God!). Well I´ve had to get up in the night to visit the loo but on one ocassion even went right back to sleep after that. Last night took a little longer (an hour or two??) to fall back to sleep... but just having slept those hours before the loo-visit were so refreshing. And feel like I´ve had a proper nights sleep this morning.
One word of CAUTION with camomille tea.... After drinking it for a week, give it a break of a few days. This is very important, because "using" it for a longer period of time causes stomach problems that you´d rather not have!! I´ve noticed that a light meal a few hours before bed also plays a role... also going to bed around 10.00ish helps.
Hoping this simple "solution" will help you!