My wife just gave birth to our child one month ago. Mom was getting 15 to 20 grams of oral vitamin C (sodium ascorbate in OJ) per day during the last seven months of pregnancy. We are also supplmenting with Magnesium chelate, Zinc Chelate, Folic Acid. Mom is 43 years old and had virtually no complications during pregnancy. This child is our first.
Child is in perfect health. Born with a full head of hair. Finger nails are beautiful and growing fast.
A very quiet and easy baby to take care of. She is very alert and already curious about her surroundings after just three weeks. Pediatrician noted how she has very strong neck control and muscles.
Mom now gets about 10 to 15 grams of vitamin C per day.
There is no risk to the vitamin C supplementation. It is cheap and easy. The reward could very well increase the chance of a health baby and mom.