Any tenderness, disturbance, or pain in the guts - try kudzu. This is the processed version of the root: white chunky hard stuff in a package in some health food stores, esp. stores with macrobiotic products. You dissolve a Tbsp. or two in water and cook it till thick. Add a bit of naturally-fermented soy sauce (tamari or shoyu) after cooking is complete. Let it cool to room temperature, then ingest.
If there is anything finer to help with digestive tract problems, I haven't found it. When I was younger and was getting flus and colds, or overeating or overdrinking, kudzu fixed me up pronto. Or if I overate, then puked (either automatically or induced with Ipecac) then this kudzu "pudding" had such a nice, soothing, healing effect - and pronto.
This is not the same as kudzu extract in a capsule. This is a starch.