Our diet is similar to the above but with the exception of Beef. We do use a small amount of beef but usually extra lean we have ground ourself and only in a mix with some sort of legumes and sauce. however i had very bad health for some time and extreme stress which has had a tole. now for 1 month i have started a cleansing with some herbal teas and suppliments and it seems my tongue which did have geographic areas all over it for a long time and central cracks, now has more cracks and the center one towards the front is gapped open quite a bit since yesterday which is getting me nervous. also the cracks are mostly vertical but some horizontal a little from the center. These vary from day to day. one day they seem deeper then the next day or two like they are closing. I do not know what is going on in my body. I would appreciate some information as to what is going on.
I am taking essiac tea i make my self, also red clover and dandelion added to it.