i am living proof of beating this condition
I am not sure why none of you have followed my advice. I have essentially been cured since late last year. I have had no significant problems. Each part that peeled has stopped peeling and only on occasion I get the hard buildup on the bottom right side of the lip but it doesnt peel. If anything it just flakes away.
Since I learned that the working out techniques which include hard breathing through the mouth three times a week I have not only beat this condition by tricking my body to regulate and control the lips itself but I have also gained muscle, gotten into shape, relieved most of my stress, and have been dating girl after girl (plus the kissing aspect is great). Something I missed for over 5 years.
You guys need to get with it. STOP putting everything on your lips and let them heal naturally. Hit the gym, try your own techniques, see what works for you. You ALL complain that leaving them alone does nothing. How long did you do it for. It took me almost three years for change to occur. Three years of leaving them alone. No NOTHING on them. Once they were better I found that the breathing techniques and working out help control the lips regulation. I found out that because my peeling process was a three day cycle every third day when they wanted to peel I would go to the gym and do my thing. I made sure I never missed a step. At the gym I would place so much pressure on the lips bc of the weights that somehow the lips naturally did not peel. They were hard. They went soft after the workout. It took about 4 months for this to happen. But now they are normal. I even missed the gym for two weeks when away on vacation and they didnt peel.
What do you have to loose??????????
Im not selling anything here.........