Re: liver pain in early morning
Snoopy, my liver hurt awfully bad for a long time when I started this program. If you can possible get some of Barefoot's liver/Gallbladder Balance, do it. I did it for 3 months and could have done it for a lot longer. That opens up the liver and stops a LOT of the pain. The Castor Oil packs stop a lot of the pain when you use them all night every night. They're messy, so don't forget to put the beach towel or something under you to protect your sheets or use some old sheets and then the plastic bag over the pack tucked into some old shorts. An old shirt, too. The castor oil stains and you can't get it out, so use some old sheets and clothes you don't care about. I put the heating pad on MEDIUM and left it on all night over the Castor oil pack.
Another thing I did was take some peppermint oil and put it in a capsule and took that with distilled water when my stomach hurt a lot. No sugar in it, just pure oil. It helped settle things and helped with the nausea so I could get some sleep. I used the Young Living Essential Oils as they are about the best, I think. You can find someone on line who sells them.
Make sure you keep killing the bugs off and taking enough of the dewormer(s). That's first in importance, then get the liver cleaned out. It's going to take a while. I found that out, too. I got to the colon when my body said it was time. I did take the Barefoot LBB that started working on the colon situation early on before I did the rounds of Schulze colon clanser.
Olive leaf is good. I don't know what the Blair's liver stuff is. Make sure you're not using stuff that detoxes on a cellular level yet. Doc has explained that many times.
I never felt light headed doing the dewormer. You might just be feeling bad and tired from being sick for so long. Try to get some rest in the daytime, if you can. I didn't sleep very well for a long time, was up half the night reading on CZ, too, but discovered I needed much more rest than I was getting. When you're real sick you have to get the rest when you can if you don't sleep well at night. Another thing I found out. Guess I was lucky because I was not working a job at the time I did this program.
Just keep going as this program will get you well. Keep it simple and get enough protein, too, because if you don't you won't feel very strong. I took the Standard Process Protefood. You might not be able to do much protein yet. I lived on organ meats for the first year and had to do so many flushes it was the apple cider I drank all the time. Fruit juice tasted good to me for the first year. Fruit juices are detoxifying.
Remember to drink more distilled water after a liver flush, too, to get those toxins out. That was something I had to keep reminding myself to do.
We're here. Keep up your courage.