erotic dream
Had this dream last year in December.
While part of me wanted to post it, another part didn't.
The idea of people telling me that I had been visited by some sort of demon... well, I felt so good all the following day, just didn't want to spoil it.
In most of this dream I had my eyes closed, only catching
glimpses of . . . her.
"You gave me tongue" I said.
I was in bed with another woman beside me. She must've been to my right. I could see her naked back and red hair spilling down it, she turned to look at me when I spoke. Recall her eyes were blue or green, and they were wide set. I thought her beautiful.
"You gave me tongue, in all those different places,
all at once. I thought I was gonna die. It was delicious!"
She had moved over me. I opened my eyes and saw her throat
above me, flawless, peaches and cream.
My voice became small, childish, "And I have only one little tongue to give back to you."
She chuckled in her perfect throat, bent her head and kissed me. My eyes were closed again and I felt her tongue with mine. It didn't feel any different. What did I expect, I thought, a multi-headed serpent? Instantly I got a mental image of her mouth, lips parted revealing every tooth pointed, razor sharp. (who is this creature I wondered) Then I realized she was gently humping me and
I could feel some sensation of my own in response. She had no penis. There was no penetration. Just my reaction of
physical sensation of pleasure.
Well, that's it.