Re: fungal siege warfare?
Sitrep 28 sep 09..the war continues
have begun to understand that this is going to be
a long fight. The enemy is many..and they are persistent!
I don't have a problem with the long path to "balance"..
"nuking" the fungus with Industrial Grade Pharmaceuticals
is NOT a cure....if I don't fix the "terrain"..they will
be back.
It's the "time" required that is an issue..
I don't think I have a lot of "time" to play with
since the fungus is in the blood. Every drop I put under
the microscope...has filaments [baby rhizoids?] in it...
rhizoid is heavily coated with white blood cells intent
on tearing it to tiny bits. GO TEAM!
just like all the other tissue and issue samples.[urine/stool/semen] It's
everywhere. Every drop of blood..contains..fungus.
This could be a serious problem...too many..there must be a limit to how many can be supported without organ damage.
Have to knock down the quantity in the blood..or I will never clear all the places that are infected..[skin/kidneys..etc..etc.].
Has anyone had success clearing candida in its fungal form
from the BLOOD using herbals/diet? Seems like a tall order for herbals..the concentration of herbal chemicals in the blood serum would have to be..significant.
On the other not in a hurry to start a regimen
of Amphotericin B, Ketoconazole, or fluconazole.
[but i may have few options left..i feel the clock is running out on me..] Have to knock down the numbers
in the blood..soon.{!}.