Three New Products I Found
I have discovered three new products recently on my trip back to Washington State for a visit and would like any input or comments about them.
The first one is called O.N.E. Coconut Water []. I have read a lot about coconut oil, creme and water being beneficial and healthy and I found this at the Kroger store in the Health Food section. Many flavors. Overpriced, but bought some anyhow. Haven't tried them yet.
The second item is called Solixir [] which seems to be basically sparkling water, fruit juices and botanicals "such as yerba mate, honeysuckle, dandylion, ginger" etc. Saw an ad for it in Clean Eating magazine and it sounds good, but also overpriced. Not sure yet where to find it!
Lastly, I found Kombucha Tea in bottles in many flavors made by Wonder Drink []. Big bottles, a tad pricey, but I bought all the flavors to try because I really wanted to try the kombucha. Apparently it's making it's way into the marketplace! I also found Yerba Mate tea in bottles too and tried those as well. I also enjoy it in powder and in tea bags.