A friend of mine became a Buddhist monk several years ago. He belongs to the Theravada Buddhist tradition.
He used to share some of his knowledge with us. I think 'the Middle Way' is also called 'the Middle Path' ... and it's the practise of moderation and non attachment so that one can gain wisdom and cultivate the stillness of the mind ........ useful for anyone to learn irrelevant of their religious or spiritual beliefs.
There is a wonderful Buddhist monk called Ajahn (teacher) Brahm - he is also of the Theravada Buddhist tradition. He is really funny (enlightenment through story telling) ... they have loads of videos of his 1 hour talks on YouTube. I've watched a lot of them, and they are all just wonderful.
Ajahn Brahm also runs Vipassana meditation courses in Australia, I would LOVE to go and sit with him through a 10 day Vipassana one day. It's something I am looking forward to.
Take a look and you will get a good sense of The Middle Way.