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Re: Breast cancer treatment that works
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Published: 16 y
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Re: Breast cancer treatment that works

Recently, it has been forced upon the attention of LASE MED, Inc’s Technical Team that a Bob Criscuolo has been tirelessly posting all over the web slanderous statements directed to LASE MED, Inc and its Head of Research.
For this reason, we would like to point the public’s attention toward a few facts:
Criscuolo’s wife, after the L.I.E.S.H. Therapy and several months of obvious improvement, supposedly had a turn for the worse and needed standard treatment.
Therefore, LMI and Dr. Carpenter are to blame, because they are a fraud.
Why? Does this mean to imply that after the standard barbaric treatments, cancer doesn’t return? Of course not!
Let’s forget that all patients are warned, every day of treatment, that during the healing process, controlled by their immune system, the tumors go through regular stages of swelling up, becoming more or less painful and giving the impression of being active again.
Forgetting all of that, let’s assume that the cancer actually returned to life in the Criscuolo case, even though Science and hard evidence state the contrary, and proves the inappropriateness of most follow-up testing; isn’t it better to re-treat the cancer with a perfectly safe method, devoid of horrible side effects, rather that going for amputation, poisoning and cancer causing radiation?
Then, of course, there is the issue of the cost. How could we forget?
How about the fact that our therapy on average cases, has the price tag of one third (1/3) of ONE injection of chemo.
So , we ask: Of all of Criscuolo’s postings, whom are they supposed to help?
Commentary brought to you by the Technical Team of a Corporation that, after 25 years of struggle, is still in red.


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