Ozone cured my Staph Infection, MRSA Skin Rash GONE!!!
Hi CureZone people! I healed my staph infection with an ozone generator. Yipppeeee! Here's my story..I hope this helps someone!!!
I am a very healthy, thin, active young person (age 32) with no health problems. And I tried everything to kill my staph infection naturally. My infection appeared as small read bumps with puss on my face. It was horrible! I had it off and on for 6 months. I did try a topical
Antibiotic and it made it go away, but then it came right back. Then I tried Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE), then Wild Oregano Oil (Oreganol), then large doses of Oregon Grape Root, then Sage herbal infusions, and fasting, and raw foods, energy healing, chiropractic, yoga...you name it, I tried it.
But all along I noticed this one thing: every time I worked out heavy enough to produce a lot of sweat, my face cleared up considerably for the next few hours after my workout. Then it clicked!!! I remember that oxygen kills bacteria!!! So it was my heavy breathing that oxygenated my body enough to kill the staph in my bloodstream causing my face to look 10 times better (only for a few hours, and then it was back in the morning).
That was a huge Bingo, though!!! I bought on Ozone Generator and started pumping oxygen into my house. My face cleared up completely after 2 days of my homemade "oxygen therapy", and has never came back. It's been almost a month! My face is beautiful again :)
Blessings to all!!! Keep listening to your intuition, the small voice inside that knows all the answers. You will heal if you just don't quit trying!!!