Helpful post. IMHO it boils down to this: If Moreless really wants to change the tone of his forum to be more positive, he is the only one who holds the power to do so. It is pretty hard to change another's perspecitive on God and religion. If he continues to be dogmatic about it, others will continue to challenge him. I guess my point is that you can't change the forum by asking others to be tolerant of your views when you are the owner. Regardless of being "right" or being "wrong", regardless if anyone else "started" it, regardless of what forum "rules" are, regardless of whether or not it is "fair", because he is the owner, any and all change must start with him, and he will be the example that others will follow. Now, whether or not he chooses to do so is entirely his own business, and if he doesn't the fourm will be fine and continue as it has for the last how many years now. He is probably having a hard time because he feels that by being tolerant of others' religious/political views, he is being untrue to his own. I think a lot of religiously dogmatic people feel similarly. I disagree with it, but I understand it.