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water intake and purifiers
sebek Views: 1,601
Published: 22 y

water intake and purifiers

I have a PUR water filter on my faucet, which is what I've been using to make the lemonade with. I read somewhere that I should buy distilled water instead. I think I'm gonna stick with the PUR filter. What do you think?

Also, I'm considering the P&B for the last 10 or so days of the planned 40 (currently on day 10), and read that while doing so, one must drink half their body weight in water? This would no doubt adequately hydrate you, but I believe it would also throw off your electrolytes as well and deplete your body of the vitamins and minerals you get from the syrup and cayenne, resulting in malnutrition.

Of the P&B consumers, what have you done as far as water intake?



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