first cleanse and question about sea salt
I am currently on day 6 of the
Master-Cleanse and am enjoying the extra energy. I am losing about 2
pounds a day, which really surprised me. I was wondering if it is because I'm a guy, and supposedly burn fat faster than women. I plan on going the whole 40 days. Day 1 was difficult only becasue I was getting serious burrito cravings, but I persisted. I work midnights, and after I got home on the morning of day 4 I felt totally wiped out. My quadracepts and knees felt very weak. After sleeping this ended...whew. Otherwise, I have a great deal more energy, without a reoccurance of rapid fatigue like that. I used to do alot of weight lifting, but I know strenuous exercise depletes your body of I have put this off, but plan on using the new running shoes I was given for Christmas...for walking at first, running will be in a few weeks. Any suggestions on this?
I'm a 10 minute drive from a Whole Foods Market, and about 15 min from a Trader Joes, which is ever so helpful. Trader Joes has good organic grade B maple syrup. They also have un-irradiated cayenne pepper which is inexpensive. My query is this: I purchased the Trader Joe's
Sea Salt , and after "ingredients: " it only says "Sea Salt." Then there is this lenghty description of its accolades, and ends with "is dried in the sun for a few weeks to evaporate all remaining water and to maximize magnesuim and
Iodide content." After reading this I became concerned about the maximizing of "iodide content," which is contraindicated for the diet regime. I called Trader Joe's on this, and the manager stated that all
Sea Salt naturally contains iodine, and added that "iodized" salt is the result of adding extra
Iodine to the product. I would like another if not many opinions on this. Additionally, there have been times in the past when I was borderline hypertensive. I have been on
Master-Cleanse 6 days now, and don't want to err in doing so. I love spicy food, so the "lemonade" is no problem at all. I love salty food, and have absolutely no problem getting down the salt water, which I do twice a day.
I would greatly appreciate any comments reagarding this, as I want to continue the MC, as I feel very good doing it.