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I'm making progress, but what of the cats?
fungihomeworld Views: 1,789
Published: 16 y

I'm making progress, but what of the cats?

I've been taking herbal antifungals for a month.
I can now eat starches without inflating like the Hindenburg! Skin on arms/legs still a wreck, but healing
slowly. Miconazole Nitrate is kicking their fungal
tails on the arms..[found in Desenex powder and Ting
aerosol]. Trying to love eating coconut oil..[bleh]
Tea Tree oil on skin as well.. Discovered "gentian violet" yesterday..legs
are now a sharp shade of smurfy blue.
After taking full dose of herbals.. Have seen huge numbers of "filaments/threads/rhizoids/" leave in a hurry..
..became massively constipated with..fungi..leaving..[sigh]
discovered that aloe vera will prevent the "hardpack" effect...[rabbit pellets from heck]. making progress..
yay me..

but what of the cats?
I know the big tabby is infected with the candida yeasts..
I've seen them while examining stool and vomit samples
with my microscope. The same critters that are in MY samples. And his sister is no doubt infected as well.
now i know that the herbals [garlic/pau d'acro/oil of oregano/black walnut have helped ME a lot..what of
the cats? I am in the process of trying to gather good info on what herbals are safe..or not..for cats in the fungal war..
but slow going so far. Any personal experiences in this
regard..would be helpful.

...time to redo the blue before bed.


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