Hi Ya'll,
Now what could Cause an Ear-ache ?
Is it going to be a problem with the toe or is it going to be a problem in the
ear area ?
If it is in the Ear , then what may Cause this problem ?
Could it come from inside of the ear or did a Bug bite the ear ?
Could it be an Infection inside of the ear ?
What would Cause an Infection ?
Does the ear generally have a build-up of ear wax, when there is an ear problem
What could Cause a build-up of ear wax ?
What is ear wax made of ?
Is it an Acidic condition or an Alkaline condition ?
Which condition is an Infection ?
Since an Infection is a condition when this area of the body becomes too Acidic,
do you suppose that a condition where the ear has wax, may also be Caused from
too much Acids and a Lack of needed Alkaline Minerals ?
Surely it could not be this Simple ?
Could it be ?
Would there be a Simple 1st Grade experiment which one could learn if Ear Wax
was from too Acid of conditions or not ?
Let us see what we my learn: Wax is of the same family as Fats and Oils, in that
Acids will "NOT" Clean or Remove these from where they are deposited on other
things !
So, take some Wax or Oil or Fats and smear them onto some Dishes and then see if
you can Clean them off of the Dishes with Acids of any kind ?
You will find that in order to Remove these types of products from the Dishes
that we must use a Cleaner , which has Alkaline Minerals in it, for us to get
the job done of Cleaning the Dishes !
This may be "WHY" many Cleaners may have some kind of Sodium in them, for Sodium
is an Alkaline Mineral !
So, any House wife may know , without taking a Chemistry course, that Ear Wax
will Deposit in the ear and stick around, when the ear is too Acidic and there
are not enough Alkaline Minerals in the Head and ear area to Disolve and Remove
the Ear wax !
Was not that so Simple to learn ?
So, do you suppose that if the ear area is not getting enough Alkaline Minerals
to it, that just maybe the rest of the Body may also be short of the needed
Alkaline Minerals ?
So, could it be that the Reason "WE" have a build up of Ear Wax may be because
of a Lacking of needed Alkaline Minerals in our body?
Remember the Dirty Fatty Greasey Oily dishes that "WE" cannot Clean unless "WE"
use a Cleaner with an Alkaline base to it?
Just try to clean the Fatty Waste from your dishes with an Acid and see for
yourself that it does "NOT" work !
Why does one get Infections?
Could it be because our bodys are too Acidic?
Surely it could not be this Simple?
Could it be?
Cause and Effect !
Smile Tis your choice.