A Resource For Those In "Learning Mode"
I think about everybody on this forum all the time. I pray for you, I cheer for you, I cry for you. I have a real heart for those of you who are new to the whole natural healing concept. I was there, and so was Uny. So was everybody. So to be a newb is totally cool with us.
lol Did you just breathe a sigh of relief?
I realize the info Uny shares is a LOT to absorb. It's taken me a good 5 years of being on the Zone to even begin to "get it," so don't feel even a mite bad if you feel overwhelmed. Even though I "get it," I'm not a roots n shoots, hemp sandal wearing, futon sleeping, incense burning hippie.
I'm basically a soccer Mom right now. I wear jeans and tank tops, make up, earrings, and paint my toenails. I used to have long blonde hair with dark brown roots, but I just cut my hair short, and I'm trying to figure out what I want to do with it. My son and daughter have a track meet on Saturday, and I volunteered to work at the school carnival later that day. I listen to all kinds of music, go to church, and "run herd."
So while Uny is busy helping everybody with specific protocols to help you with your healing needs, I like to look for resources to make it easier to do. I live in the "real world." I've got to not only heal myself of a so-called incurable disease, I've got to be "Mom" to four teenagers. In addition, I'm looking for a job or a way to bring in enough income to support my family.
Anyway, I want to share a resource with you I like, that falls right in line with the Schulze/Christopher "Natural Healing Crusade" lifestyle.
I love this because this lady understands that it takes time to train taste buds and change lifestyle habits. She has a "12 Step" program (don't you love it?) to teach you and your family HOW to go from the Standard American/Awful Diet to almost 100% raw vegan in a year. She's got a great story about how she was vegetarian when she got married, but her husband was used to eating meat with every meal. They worked out a compromise (that I love!), and it sounds like they are living happily and healthily ever after. :)
I hope y'all enjoy this resource and find it helpful.
Heal on, sweet people,