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Re: New to UT - anyone had success with their hypothyroidism and acne?
- serafina - Views: 1,716
Published: 16 y
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Re: New to UT - anyone had success with their hypothyroidism and acne?

yes, I did have success with hypothiroidism, although it's been only a month and my hypothiroidism wasn't too accentuated. But definitely the temps have been going up, from 36.1 (or less, didn't check until day 10) to 36.7, - I still have days at 36.4, especially now that I'm being a bit more stressed. I also lost weight.

Regarding acne, I don't have any personal experience but it's one of the things most classically cured by UT. So be assured that your Acne is likely to go.

I drink midstream all day until sunset, and apply it on my face and neck almost every time - when it's not too watery. Only with that, I've had wonderful results pretty much in every field where I had problems. I live in a city apartment, it's kind of difficult to keep smelly jars around, so I don't do anything with old urine, but they say it's very good for the skin. Also, for acne, I saw people suggest doing enemas, you might try that too.

good luck!


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