--Could this be a problem--
Hi Ya'll,
There appears to be -2- major problems in the world today which may be causing
most people all of the problems which they may be having?
#1 problem may be that people are Praying to the Wrong God !!
#2 problem may be that people are not willing to Change for the Better!
It seems that I recall a verse about God making a comment to the physician: Heal
thy self!
Of course the end result was that the physician could do no such thing!
Yet, people today go to the White Coated Physician's and ask these White Coated
Physician's to be their "God" and these White Coated Physician's say, take this
Pill or this Drug!
And the people say thank-you White Coated Pyhsician "GOD" for Helping me!
Is the average person "EVER" going to wake up and come to Realize that these
White Coated Physician's are not even able to Heal themself?
So, Why are they your "GOD" ??
Smile Tis your choice.