Detox via Colema board - questions/concerns
Hi all,
A small bit of background, I have been suffering from food and chemical sensitivities for 11 years now. My liver is overloaded and is having trouble detoxing, as well my gallbladder not functioning well. I have gallstones and am having problems digesting fats, caffeine, vitamins/pills, etc. I am very sensitive to toxins, chemicals, alcohol, etc.
So, in Thailand last year I received 7 colonic irrigations in conjunction with massage, fruit, rest, etc over the period of 3 weeks. Had a PROFOUND effect on my health and well being. Specifically with my yeast overgrowth/candida issues, and my liver feeling so toxic. I walked in there feeling like death, and I walked out a new man.
So here I am a year later, and all those good feelings are gone, and unfortunately through a year of drinking coffee, and generally not treating my body too well, I am horribly ill again. I am about to take a big 6 month leave from work to do some global traveling. But I don't want to leave the country feeling this bad! So I am desperate to feel better, the sooner the better. I know I cant rush these things... But I am just doing all I can.
So I bought a Colema board, figuring I could replicate the Thailand experience at home, save money, feel better, and all would be well. But its not going quite so easy. I have some questions and concerns:
- How often should one perform a colonic irrigation?
I was doing them every day for a little while there, but it really seemed to weaken my system. More sensitive, more toxic feeling. Digestion also decreased. So I have backed off there. In thailand they said only every 3 days. Is this about right?
- Do I need to replenish any nutrients or bacteria afterwards?
In Thailand, they always gave me what I thought to be a probiotic, as well as some activated charcoal after each session. I have read info saying that colonics don't upset the bacteria balance, but that seems near impossible. What should I take after a session? Antioxidants? NAC? Vit C? Liver herbs?
- What about additives to the water such as coffee for liver detox?
In Thailand they added a coffee detox syrup to the water. It was made specifically for colonics and manufactured in Thailand. But it seemed to be very effective. How much coffee should I use? And what about other things like liquid chlorophyll, garlic, and bentonite / clay water? I have tried the liquid chlorophyll (2 tablespoons in 5 gallons) and it seemed to make me feel a bit more toxic than just water alone.
- Do I need to follow dietary guidelines before/after?
Should I not eat for X hours before/after? Are there general rules to folow there?
- What time of the day is best?
Are they better done at night or in the morning? Or does it matter?
And lastly, just looking for any advice or info people might have on the matter. The Colema company sells the boards, but provides no usage instructions other than the basics. Not a lot of info out there, but have been reading Bernard Jensen's Guide To Better Bowel Care. He talks in there about a 7 day intensive cleanse where you eat no food for a week, just taking cleansing drinks and greens (chlorella or alfalfa) and do 2 colonics per day. Sounds hard core!! I want to detox but fear that would be too extreme for me right now. Right? :-)
I guess that's all for now... Sorry so long! And thanks for your help!