This is precisely what Hv and others have been saying all along. Its because of this fact that these 'testimonials' are inherently unreliable as proof of anything. This is by no means a personal insult to those sharing their stories, and I object to the notion that because these stories are unreliable, that somehow this means that the person is a liar. This has never been said.
I find it difficult to understand why some people cannot, or refuse to see this.
I think it all boils down to the simple fact that Moreless and his supporters have been asked repeatedly to supply proof to their claims. Since they cannot do this they try to use distraction techniques. Put a burden on the asker to chase them away. Same technique Moreless uses on all the people who state that his protocol did not work for them. He demands all sorts of ridiculous proof hoping they don't respond so it looks like they did something wrong, or if they do respond he can nitpick their response. Bottom line is to prevent Moreless from having to provide proof that his protocol works by always putting the blame on the other person.