--Wolf -Wolf -Wolf--
Hi Ya'll,,
Did I hear someone cry Wolf ! Wolf ?
"We" better not breath any more Air, when we choose to travel on the highways
or near any cars, because "WE" will Breath Carbon Monoxide, and it is Poisonous
Do "WE" see just how "Silly" "WE" are when a person with some "Common
Sense" looks at "ALL" of Life's conditions which we have to Live in ?
And "WE" Better not eat "ANY" Food, because "ALL" of it is Contaminated with
some kind of Pesticide, including DDT and Arsenic etc !!!!!!!!!
When are "WE" going to get a Real Life and realize the realities of Real Life !
A person must do the best he can with what is available to him or her !
If a person wants to find Poisons in the food chain, then we are going to find
Poisons in "ALL" of the food chain !
Because Poisons are in "ALL" of the food chain !
This may be "WHY" it is so Important to Learn to supply the body with the Needed
"Calcium" and Other Alkaline Minerals and Live Carbohydrates, so that the body
may be able to Buffer these Poisons from "KILLING" and destroying the body !
Smile Tis your choice.