An essay I wrote today
I've been in a "mood" lately. Sometimes what I need to do is put my thoughts down on paper. Maybe someone will be encouraged by this little essay I wrote today. I love you all.
It’s Not A Death Sentence
Life- threatening. Terminal. The death sentence. What do you do when you hear these words? What do you do when the doctors tell you “there is no cure, there is no hope,” and all they can offer is to make the remaining years of your life a little more comfortable?
You start living, that’s what you do.
You say, “all right, if this is the way I’m gonna be taken out, I’m going out in a blaze of glory.” And then you start living the life you’ve always dreamed of. What does it mean… to live?
You have to spend 100% of your time in “healing mode.” You have to feed positives into your life all the time. You have to say “yes, yes, yes” to everything out there that will make you well, and free, and strong. That will make you sing, and laugh, and love deeply. You have to block- and sometimes forcefully- those negative messages and vibrations that may have been familiar and somehow comforting before, but now you realize that they have contributed to the illness you are facing. You have to tell the truth.
You have to dance… well, I should say, you get to dance. You get to dance, and drink green Superfood smoothies, and walk outside with bare feet on bare Earth. You get to sing in the rain and play in the fall leaves when it comes time. You get to change.
You realize you are a trinity- just like God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Within each of us, there is Mind, Body, and Spirit. Each must be balanced, just as the triune perfect God is balanced. You discover what the word “repent” really means. It means, quite literally, “change your mind.” You go through a process of deleting all of the programming and conditioning that has been ingrained into you personally, into your family, into your social circles, and into society as a whole. You wipe clean the negative conditioning, and begin the work of reprogramming entirely new neural pathways that will eventually become superhighways leading to health and longevity.
Yoga becomes part of your life. Yoga, or Chi Gong, Pilates, or Tai Chi. Why were these not my friends before? Why are they so cleansing now? Why did I wait till now to weight train? Why wasn’t I out there running with my children when I still could? Will I ever be able to run again? Yes, if I am willing to run patiently the race that is set for me. For me.
Your whole life becomes a prayer. Your spirit is lifted, and you become conscious of an energy flow connecting you to God and every living thing in your environment. You become more in tune with Nature. Your food becomes your medicine as well as your pleasure. Your taste buds discern the difference between organic and non-organic produce, and they become quite spoiled. Your body cleanses itself- purges itself- and responds joyfully to your new choices. It also reacts violently when you return to your old ways. Your body talks to you, responding either positively or negatively to every single action you take and thought that you think.
You have to get to the point where you say, “OK. I have this. This is a part of who I am. I don’t move the same way other people move. I don’t have a sexy walk any more, and people notice. I’m slower than other people. I have to allow myself more time to get things done. I’ve been designed to fly low and slow, but hey- I can still fly.” There are lessons to learn here. Muscular dystrophy is my teacher, 24/7, just like cancer and diabetes are teachers. You learn to respect your teacher, and listen to it.
Listen, listen, listen. What is your mind saying? What are you believing? So, you’ve been given a diagnosis. That part is true. You have this… thing. This disease. But the not true part is the prognosis. The prognosis is what your doctors think is going to happen to you in the future. The thing about prognoses, though, is that they only come true if we allow them to come true. No doctor can accurately foresee the future. If you choose to believe the doctors, throw up your hands, and agree that there is no hope, then guess what? There is no hope. Go ahead and order white tulips for your casket, because that is where you are headed.
You’ve got to stop living in fear. Fear and anxiety trigger the body’s stress mechanisms, which cause physiological symptoms that can lead to extremely harmful and degenerative diseases. Body tissues literally break down, because the body has to disrupt normal functioning in order to deal with stress. Chronic stress is the enemy of healing. You can never get well as long as you live in a stress-filled environment. I’m coming to grips with the truth of this statement. We all have to.
By contrast, relaxing, laughing, and having positive thoughts switch on a different system within the body, causing it to desire to repair and reproduce itself on the cellular level. Chronic joy and happiness is very healing.
So the Incurables Program is so much more than just “what ye shall eat and what shall ye drink.” There is this whole other mental and spiritual practice that is a part of it, too. You have to rein in your thoughts. You have to do what it says in the Bible: Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8 You have to get away from the negative people in your life, the dream stealers, as they say. You have to identify the trash talk you are telling yourself, too, and dump out that garbage.
This isn’t some airy-fairy cosmic gobbledy-goop. This is truth, written from the heart. Rip out those old pages right out of your notebook, and start a fresh, new storybook about how your life is going to go. You are the author. You have the pen. What are you going to write?