--How to find Health and Happiness--
Hi Ya'll,
Everyone likes to think they want Health and Happiness?
Why do so few folks seem to ever find it?
Many have heard me speak of Electro-magnetic Energy being what is required to Power our body.
Some have heard me mention that Matter is Created out of Energy!
Some may have heard me mention that what we think may become what we do and then what we become?
Spiritual Energy is Very Powerful!
Do we choose to use Gods Spiritual Energy to better ourself?
Or do we choose to use Satans Spiritual Energy to Destroy ourself?
Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life or death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose Life, that both thou and thy seed may live.
Which have we choosen?
Life or Death?
What we think we become!
Who we pray to decides our end results!
Are we praying to God or Satan the devil himself?
Is it any wonder when we pray to Satan that we shall receive Cursings?
Likewise Why is it any Wonder when we pray to God, that we may find Blessings!
Cause and Effect!
Smile Tis your choice.