--Is the Truth so Hard to swallow----
Hi #46511,
Your question:
Maybe we cannot expect any more from Sick and Diseased folks?
Your constant referring to posters here as *sick and diseased* has irritated at least me and I would bet many others. Whether or not me and/or others here are truly *sick and diseased*, it is *EXTREMELY* rude to even THINK ABOUT telling them they are or referring to them as such.
“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”
~~~ Anonymous
Answer: Why does the Truth bother you so much?
I am just telling the Truth and anyone who cannot stand hearing the Truth, may also not have enough Backbone to stand up and be willing to change from their own Poor choices, which may be causing them their Sickness and Diseases!
I am Sorry, but if a person is not willing to admit to even themself that their Poor chocies may have added to their Sickness and Diseases or they they are Sick and Diseased, then How do you think this person is going to be willing to make the needed changes to Heal?
Kinda like a Drug Addict, who Denys they have a problem, thus they stay a Drug Addict!
Reminds me of my favorite Aunt who denied she had a Drug problem, so Died because she was un-willing to change!
Anyone who has Health problems, is Sick and Diseased!
Anyone who has Mental problems is also Sick and Diseased!
We can Sugar coat the words, but the facts remain the same!
If you do not like the Facts of Sick and Diseased, then be willing to change, so you may find Healing and not remain Sick and Diseased!
Sugar coating the words and calling a Black cow a White cow, does not make the Black cow a White cow!
Sorry if the Facts of Life offend you!
Cause and Effect!
Choose Life or Death this Day!
Smile Tis your choice.