Hi anita,
Your comment: I agree, really miss Invincible on Curezone!!!
She became ML-forum.
He (ML) actually had something BIG, as she "belonged" to his forum!
But she became pissed with all his stuff/crap about religion/gay,
(he was gulping up "shit" she could not stand for,
warned him over and over, but some people never understands that nobody cares
$$$$$♠what they think, about issues like that...)
Lyric of today:
...Now his forum s left with a few,: who comes up with nothing new.
I can hear the silence sinse she left!!!
Anita :-)
Question: You state that nobody cares, but on the other hand you call it shit?
Would you mind explaining How you can be so upset if no body cares?
Does it also bother you that God does not approve of certain Poor choices of people?
Did your parents always approve of all of your choices?
Do you have any children?
If so, do you approve of all of their choices?
Smile Tis your choice.