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Re: Check thyroid
Iolite Views: 1,841
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Re: Check thyroid

It would be a very good idea to have your wife get her thyroid tested. Low functioning thyroid can cause problems with milk production.

I had to supplement with formula while breast feeding my daughter at 4 months because my milk production dropped dramatically. This was in spite of the fact that I was taking blessed thistle and so much funegreek that I began to smell like maple syrup, and I had a commercial grade breast pump. Sheer exhaustion and frustration at the fact I was only getting an ounce at each pumping caused me to finally stop and just go with formula.

I was formally diagnosed hypothyroid in 2004, just after the TSH range was lowered to .3-3.0. I had been formally diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 1994 (a known symptom of hypothyroidism) and my daughter was born in 1997. I had my thyroid tested in 1994 and because my TSH was in range I was not diagnosed with hypothyroidism, even though I had low body temps, was cold all the time and had to sleep with socks on year round. So I've probably been hypothyroid since my 20's.

If she is dealing with a sluggish thyroid, iodine supplementation can help. Because she is breast feeding, and bromide detoxing can come out of the breast milk when iodine supplementation is at recommended dose (25-50mg of iodoral) lower doses are recommended.

The iodine in the breast milk will be good for the baby too. Swanson's vitamins has 2 oz of 2% lugols for $10. One drop of 2% lugols is about 1-2 mg iodine. Natural iodine supplementation from kelp is problematic because kelp is often found to be contaminated with arsenic. If you do decide to go with the kelp, make sure you find one that is certified arsenic free.

Magnascent iodine has lower iodine dosage as does detoxified iodine which might be good choices for her while breast feeding.
1 drop = 1 RDA iodine
1 drop = 200 mcg iodine

Other resources for iodine information:

Dr. David Brownstein's book: Iodine: Why you need it; Why you can't live without it.



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