Re: NEWSFLASH~~Shots Will be Voluntary~~!!
My feeling is- don't get too comfortable. For NOW they are not making it mandatory, but that all may change in the coming Late Winter/Spring or following year .
The WHO calls the shots on this. Former President Bush passed some bills around 2005-2006 ... one of them stated that if the WHO deems anything a high level pandemic, then the government has a right to mandate vaccines for everyone and you wont' be able to use religious or philosphical reasons to get out of them.
One of the other bills he passed also prevents anyone from suing the government or pharmacuetical companies if any adverse side effects or death from pandemic vaccines.
I wrote to my State legislator , Paul Kanjorski (PA) protesting against mandatory swine flu vaccines. I mentioned to him that if this swine flu does become a larger pandemic, it will be because of those who will get the flu FROM the vaccine and spread it around to others.
He replied that there is nothing in the government laws that says the States CANT make this vaccine mandatory and they reserve the right to make it mandatory.
Then there is Massachussetts whose governor already plans on making it mandatory over there-- even charging a $1,000 fine and one day of imprisonment if anyone refuses the vaccine.
For now Obama is leaving each State the decision on wether to mandate the vaccine or not, but he is not mandating it on a federal level.....YET. Just wait.
Pray for our service men and women who already go through enough stress as it is and will be required this swine flu vaccine on top of it all.
AT least now they are saying that they may not need the two vaccine package shot they were planning-- It looks now that they may only require only one swine flu shot.
If you are a member of the military--- please keep aside detoxing nutrients now to take before and after each vaccine.
Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Fulvic Acid, Axtaxathin, Serreptase, Yellow Dock (for the aluminum in vaccines) etc.
I posted an entire compilation of detox info here- if you can't find it , I'll repost it. Let me know.