Got to get checked up some times. No shame in it. If any one here ever judges you personally for your medical decisions we'll both give them hell for it. This is about you being in control of your own health. My only thing about them is they try and steal control from you with fear and blind logic. I have issues with that. You going through a time where you need reassurance from their tests is fine.
As far as the liver goes I need to do a flush my self. My mottow with flushing? If one is brutal, do another one and follow up with coffee enemas. That's the way I am though. A lot of people don't share my tactic with flushing though. I was doing one every night for 3 weeks. Helped SO MUCH!
Yeah first round of DMSA I think I just dosed to high put my kidneys under stress. Going to keep it down around 12.5 next time and just keep it rolling. I think I was doing around 50 for my first round. I also think there's a bunch more that happened at once but I know I'll be fine.