Re: Bride-to-be died after losing 3st in 11 weeks on crash diet... eating just 530 calories a day
The full circumstances surrounding this tragic death may never be known, but a low-calorie diet is hardly to blame.
Thousands of people have followed a low-calorie or restricted-calorie diet with no ill effect, but only benefit and increased longevity: Luigi Cornaro being a case in point.
Personally, the "conduct" of the dieter while on this diet, may have played a significant role in her demise.
It is a mistaken view, held by the retired obesity and nutrition Professor, in blaming this ladies death on her rapid weightloss as being "too fast", and that her heart "wasted away" because of it. This is utter nonsense.
He is also unable to distinguish between what he refers to as "starvation" and a "calorie-restricted diet" which are poles apart.
A calorie-restricted diet is more than adequate nutritionally to meet the needs of the body, just so long as it is "nutrient-dense", and where the CR diet she followed was approved and deemed more than adequate nutritionally.
The heart, along with the other bodily organs only receive distinct benefit from a diet which is calorie-restricted: much the same as a "zero-calorie" intake in the fasting state on water only.............................
The real clue as to the most likely cause of death lies within this comment from the GP, Dr Martin Scurr....................
"When you (starve) yourself, as you do on a crash diet, your heart gets used to functioning on very little fuel. The problem is if you suddenly eat more - the classic dieter's lapse of willpower".
The improper breaking of a fast, or a sudden intake of much more food from a CR diet than the body has become accustomed to, places a huge strain on the body, and especially the Heart Muscle, which can easily lead to sudden death; this is well-documented within Natural Hygiene circles from the qualified fasting supervisors over the last 150 years.